Articles From Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (Branch : Electrical Course : Diploma)
S.No.TopicWritten OnUpdated OnView
1Connecting Voltmeter, Ammeter and Watt Meter in a circuit01 Dec, 0919 Apr, 2427238
2Series v/s Parallel Electric Circuit : Resistance Calculation23 Mar, 1317 Apr, 242998
3Why only Electrical Energy : Basics and Advantages of Electrical Energy22 Nov, 0906 Apr, 241740
4Electrical Charge: Definition, Basics, Types and Properties.22 Nov, 0919 Apr, 242350
5Faraday's Law of Electro-Magnetic Induction (Faradays EMI Law)23 Nov, 0918 Apr, 242689
6Biot-Savart Law : Force Calculation23 Nov, 0918 Apr, 242189
7Energy Meter: Basics and Connection in a Circuit11 Mar, 1819 Apr, 244496
8Series and Parallel Electric Circuits : A Comparison26 Mar, 1314 Apr, 242053
9Electricity: Basics01 Dec, 2319 Apr, 2497

क्रोध से भ्रम पैदा होता है, भ्रम से बुद्धि व्यग्र होती है, जब बुद्धि व्यग्र होती है तब तर्क नष्ट हो जाता है, जब तर्क नष्ट होता है तब व्यक्ति का पतन हो जाता है।

Anger Leads To Illusion, The Intellect Is Troubled By The Illusion, When The Intellect Is Anxious, Then The Logic Is Destroyed, When The Logic Is Destroyed Then The Person Gets Crushed.

-- श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता
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